Salutations, friends! I would like to take this moment to announce the engagement of my oldest and dearest friend, Caroline (of previous ostrich post fame) to her charming boyfriend, Christopher, and offer them congratulations and best wishes. I would also like to give Caroline major kudos for her excellent taste in bridesmaids, as she has wisely requested that I serve as Maid of Honor. She had little choice in this matter, as I basically threatened her continued existence on this earth should she elect another, plus I exercised the always-apropos "I CALL MAID OF HONOR" method of bridesmaid-pickin'. I was all "SO-I'M-YOUR-MOH-RIGHT?! RIGHT." And she was all questionable grunts, awkward coughs, and finally, sighs of resignation.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
How To Please Your Maid Of Honor: A Bride's Checklist
Salutations, friends! I would like to take this moment to announce the engagement of my oldest and dearest friend, Caroline (of previous ostrich post fame) to her charming boyfriend, Christopher, and offer them congratulations and best wishes. I would also like to give Caroline major kudos for her excellent taste in bridesmaids, as she has wisely requested that I serve as Maid of Honor. She had little choice in this matter, as I basically threatened her continued existence on this earth should she elect another, plus I exercised the always-apropos "I CALL MAID OF HONOR" method of bridesmaid-pickin'. I was all "SO-I'M-YOUR-MOH-RIGHT?! RIGHT." And she was all questionable grunts, awkward coughs, and finally, sighs of resignation.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Dear Law Students
I get it. I really do. Law school is hard. It's a sad, scary place that welcomes all formerly normal human beings and transforms them into just massive, massive douchebag A-f*cks with no lives. You know your friend is a law student when they become not so much your friend as a zombie-like creature who has replaced regular use of the English language with an Orwellian-esque lawspeak that makes the listener want to immediately take a lightsaber to said former friend's genital regions. Law school forces a person who used to possess a "soul" and "morals" to become hyper-logical to the point of absurdity. Yes, friend, your logic is flawless. Just because something is logical, however, does not make it right. You are now pretty much just a terrible human being and I probably can't hang out with you ever again. Not that you have the time to actually hang out, anyway, because you're, like, SO busy it takes you two days to answer a text message.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Living The Dream, Obvs...
So, things have started to get pretty real around these parts lately, which is why I haven't written in weeks. Sorry about that. It just is what it is. I bet you're wondering where I've been, right? Of course you are. I bet it just keeps you up at night, doesn't it? No? Bueller?
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
You Make Me Wanna Be A Better Blogger (OR A Random Collection of Ridiculous Thoughts)
Heeeey, guys. So, I feel as if I should apologize for my last post. Did it feel kinda crazy and manic to you, or was that just me? I guess it's one of those "it seemed funny at the time" things that now just feels a little embarrassing. Story of my life. Anywhoo, it got mixed reviews. And I'm just going to assume that my friends who consistently tell me how awesome I am are filthy, filthy liars (and I love them for that), and promise the rest of you "honest people" (read: assholes who obviously didn't get the references) that I'll never do it again (Mommy didn't mean to scare you, she's very, very sorry. Shhhh).
Thursday, September 16, 2010
A 4:00am Chat With My Subconscious
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Reasons I Should Have A Car And My Brother Should Shutup And Be Grateful I Allowed Him To Live Past Infancy
OK. I am so not in a humorous mood today. It's more like an angry, vengeful, what-can-I-destroy-in-this-house-and-blame-the-cats kind of mood. For reals, I am one peeved little ball of kinetic energy right now, and would like nothing more than to rain down torrents of evil upon anyone or anything who dares cross my path of righteous indignation this afternoon.
Friday, September 3, 2010
How I Have Friends At All Is Beyond Me
Ok, this post is going to be unusual. But that photo is pretty vital. I'm about to transcribe for you an average text message conversation between myself and my BFF^Maxpower For Life, Caroline. This particular exchange occurred between last night and this morning, and is IN NO WAY the strangest conversation we've ever had. We haven't lived in the same state since high school and were in different countries for the last year and a half, so we keep things spicy by carrying on a pretty intense textual relationship. In fact, I regularly delete most of my text message history involving lesser life forms, and yet I have every text between Caroline and I saved since around last January (because, Jesus Crush, it's pretty much crammed with comedy gold). Also, I miss her in a totally heterosexual way that occasionally causes bursts of physical pain inside of my heart. But, you know, in a totally heterosexual way. I will preface this by saying that I have been reading a lot of stuff on the interwebz about animals and nature lately, because hey, unemployed, bucketloads of sweet free time, etc. By the way, for reference, Caroline just moved in with her parents in West Virginia or some such nonsensical place and is currently not doing much more than I am, only she's in the middle of nowhere with naught but cows for company. Anyway, the following makes it pretty self-evident why Caroline and I have been friends for like 16 years:
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Discovering New And Somewhat Troubling Things About Yourself
Being as unemployed as I am, I try to keep myself occupied as much as possible. Mostly, I work out, read books, watch An Effing Lot of films and television shows, and carry on a somewhat tenuous relationship with my blog (...and reality). I also spend an inordinate amount of time texting my gainfully employed friends and begging them to take me shopping or go out drinking with me on school nights. Since I neither have a reason to get up before noon or an automobile of any kind during the day, I've discovered a few things about myself of which I was previously unaware.
First of all, I can easily stay up all night reading articles on and giggling audibly if I don't physically and chemically force myself to go to sleep. I do have a love/hate relationship with Cracked, considering that while I find a certain columnist by the name of Chris Bucholz to be inspirational and hilarious in a way that makes me kind of want to makeout with him in the back of a Vista Cruiser circa 1977, it often makes me angry that no matter how hard I try I will never be as funny as he regularly is. In fact, I have made a whole list of people in my head who I will never be remotely as witty as, and that list makes me slightly suicidal when I think about it. Emotions. Moving on.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Why I'm Single (Part Three)
Friday, August 20, 2010
Oh, Life...
Whoa, guys. This week has flown by in a blur of coffee-fueled self indulgence and sloth (coffee is in no way necessary for my current lifestyle, except that I like to be alert while I sit on the sofa and watch my 'stories'). I apologize for the lack of posts. I guess the pressure is ON for this one to be entertaining. Ugh. Anxiety. To be honest, the only reason I continue to write for the masses (Ha. Of voices in my head, maybe) despite said Anxiety is because I keep getting feedback from readers that is great for my self esteem ("We love your blog!", "You're so funny!", "You're a really great writer!", "Did we mention we think you're aggressively good looking?!"). Well, that last one was more inferred than explicitly stated, but I'm taking it to the bank anyway. Sue me.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Why I'm Single (Part Two Of An Annotated Anthology)
Now, I don't know what you people like to do on Saturday nights, but I've spent the evening alternately watching stand up comedy on television and searching the interwebz for YouTube videos of Lee Pace (or as I like to think of him, "My Boyfriend"). And I'm not ashamed. I went out Friday night only to be equal parts exhausted and irritated by the lack of single, available, non-mutant males (read: Lee Pace lookalikes) in the vicinity of my barstool. There were a few near misses. For instance, a well dressed architect called Richard who seemed promising at first, but then he opened his mouth and began to remind me increasingly of Will Arnett (think Gob from Arrested Development), which made me want to lobotomize myself. Why are the interesting ones always trolls and the good looking ones always BATSHIT CRAZY?? That means if I don't wish to die alone, I'll probably have to pick between Stephen Hawking or Mel Gibson. Either way, WIN.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
All You Ever Wanted To Say In A Cover Letter anyone else contemplating suicide at the prospect of writing one more effing cover letter, or am I the only unemployed person left on my planet? Seriously, razor blades and sleeping pills, people. It's getting even harder considering at this point, I don't even want AN single one of the positions I'm applying for. Not that I even know what most of them are, due to the fact that the overwhelming majority of Craigslist job ads are inexplicably anonymous (seriously, it's not the Casual Encounters section, what are they so ashamed of??)...Cutting to the chase, this evening, instead of being remotely productive, I sat down to compose the world's most heart-wrenchingly honest cover letter, which I submit without further adieu, for your amusement....
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Oh Yea, We Still Got It...
Confession: Sometimes I forget how truly and deeply awesome the city of New Orleans can be (Although in my defense, let me refer you to my earlier post referencing the STD-ridden den of daddy issues and Dep hair gel that is TJ Quills--and other such disreputable NOLA establishments). I'll admit I'm a little spoiled and I've gotten to do more traveling in my life than most people my age, so I tend to go into 'America-is-so-boring-and-passe' mode on occasion and be all 'too cool for school' (I'm aware that that's super obnoxious, but I'm pretty sure you already know I'm kind of an asshole sometimes. Plus it's a coping mechanism, and you're probably not perfect either, so step off).
Monday, August 2, 2010
Once Upon A Time...
First of all, I'm sorry I've neglected you chickens all weekend. Such is life. Hopefully you've had better things to do than read this nonsense, anyway. Other than the usual red carpet events and glamourous parties that comprise my weekends (read: dinner with my mother and Chrissy, and a debutante party--though the latter WAS actually fabulously glamourous, and I'd expect no less from the rock star that is Mary Ann), I've managed to finish a rather interesting short novel called Briar Rose. It's based on the Sleeping Beauty fairytale, the dark side being that it's about the Holocaust. Moving stuff (though whether it's appropriate to write about the Holocaust in such terms is questionable). In any case, it started me thinking about my favorite fairytales growing up. And the inevitable and irrevocable psychological scars inflicted thereby.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Why I'm Single (Part One of Many)
Well, hello there! After my last post, I received feedback from various sources essentially telling me to suck it up and quit being such a Debbie Downer. Well, I call shenanigans! Really, folks, you know me. Whining is like my anti-drug. If you take that away from me, I'll start hitting the crack pipe (and maybe injecting some heroin into my eyeballs, you know, for funsies) and I don't think any of you are qualified to stage an intervention. Really, though, if my life were that horrible I certainly wouldn't be discussing it in a public forum (and besides, we all know I'm waiting until mis padres kick the proverbial bucket to publish the tell-all) (Marisa, that's just in bad taste) (Yea, I know, but in the words of the incomparable Bette Midler, F**k 'em if they can't take a joke). So yeah, there's that.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Milk Was A Bad Choice, Dude
I hate Sundays. I just really, really do. Sunday is the day of the week when I receive the highest number of threats and insults. These come from the general direction of my mother. She hates me on Sundays even more than usual. I'm sorry, but I just don't think at 24 years old I should be considered a bad human being because I don't want to go to Starbuxxx and get coffee with my entire family on the Lord's day. First of all, I don't drink coffee. Yes, Chrissy and I occasionally enjoy going to The Bux and sitting outside for odd lengths of time talking to random strangers with adorable dogs, but that is a horse of a different color. It's mostly to keep ourselves from going to a bar to drink our faces off in the middle of a random Tuesday (and because for some strange reason, Chrissy likes to force me to leave the house. I know, she's weird.)
Thursday, July 22, 2010
High School's Never Really Over, At Least Not If You're Me
So, I've been having some shockingly asinine dreams lately. I used to have crazy complex dreams with loads of symbolism and depth, but recently my dreams have been on par with those of a tiny child. For example, I recently dreamt about eating ice cream with a male friend of mine from London. This is highly unrealistic as he and I usually opted for copious amounts of booze and cigarettes rather than innocent sweet treats. Apparently, my subconscious has regressed back to simpler times. Oh, well, I thought, I enjoy ice cream and good company, I'll just call that a pleasant anomaly and move on.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Going to the Dark Place
I could not for the life of me fall asleep last night. I blame the (hopefully) imaginary bedbugs and my overactive imagination. To pass the time, I began racking my brains about what I wanted to write about today. I came up with Bret Easton Ellis. To give you an idea of how my little mind works, I started with my cat, Alfie (Who as of late has begun to distress me deeply. No joke, I'm concerned he has gone over to the dark side, and I've taken to addressing him respectfully as Sir and never making eye contact). Anyway, thinking of Sir Alfred always makes me daydream about what if he had super hero powers, which in turn lead to Batman, which lead to Christian Bale, which lead inevitably to American Psycho. Simple associations, no? In any case, I read American Psycho a few months ago, when I was still living in London. At the time, I was putting off writing my thesis in favor of concentrating more fully on developing bipolar disorder (so obviously, in a GREAT place). So I thought, let's go to Waterstone's and pick out something cheerful and motivational to read whilst scoping out the local hipsters and feeling mighty superior (Not only will this get me out of the house for an activity that doesn't involve alcohol, but it also includes a long bus ride around northwest London, and we all know riding the bus is an epic adventure all on its own). And, she's off.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Science Fiction Vantage Point
The other day, while shamelessly perusing the science fiction section of my local Borders (Where I have somehow convinced myself that I WILL someday meet the man of my dreams, though by the looks of my fellow sci-fi aficionados, my soulmate would have to be either 12 years old, morbidly obese, wearing a Lord of the Rings costume on a daily basis, or some incredibly life affirming combination of the three)(Can you tell I’m 24 years old and living with my parents, yet? Good), I witnessed something that truly restored at least a couple of tetris block-sized pieces of my shattered faith in humanity. Wait for it. Even as I stood there valiantly attempting my best chick-flick worthy cute-girl-with-a-brain-and-excellent-taste-in-high-minded-toocoolforschool-literature-and-other-stuff-you’ve-never-heard-of-in-your-life…look, my spidey senses suddenly detected the goings-on in the nearby Young Adult section, where two middle school girls were LITERALLY (ha) about to begin a battle royale over what I assumed must be the last copy of Twilight to be had on this particular day and in this particular bookstore. Now, there are few things in this world that elicit such unabashed glee inside my snarky 24-year old head the way that seeing other people fight in public never fails to do. Other than running into girls I hated in high school who have since gotten fatter than I have and are currently employed as Bourbon Street shot girls because that’s what happens when you peace out of college after freshman year you idiot, this is what I live for. Did I mention that I have a master’s degree and am currently unemployed? But I digress. Back to the impending cage match.
So. From what I can tell at this point, Pre-Teen Girl Numero Uno (let's call her Wednesday Adams) had clearly gotten there first, only to be distracted for a split second by what I assume was an attack of her subconscious future self crying with shame at her early taste in fashion, music, and by God, "literature", during which time Pre-Teen Girl Numero Dos (who we're calling Stephanie Tanner because I swear she stepped straight out of Full House, and if you haven't guessed I'm already on Wednesday's side) swooped in like the sneaky natural blonde biatch that she was born to be, snatching up Wednesday's intended literary masterpiece before even one of Wed's future multiple personalities realizes what's up. When she wises up, though, all hell breaks loose. Cut to Marisa looking on with rapt attention and wishing for the bucket of popcorn and recliner that would make this experience all that it could be.
In any case, Wednesday and Steph proceed to girl-fight for a good 30 seconds, which is pretty boring considering girl fighting is mostly passive aggressive, and let's be honest, girls that age don't yet possess the necessary life experience to make passive aggressiveness truly captivating to a sophisticated audience, such as myself. Anyway, when passive aggressive proves too subtle, the girls begin one hell of a tug-o-war, whilst both trying to remain quiet enough that their guardians (who are ostensibly nearby, although I've yet to lay eyes on them and I'm thinking why can't people just keep their damned pets on a leash in public??Seriously folks, I don't want to get bitten by your rabid Toddler-Jack Russell Terrier mix) remain unaware of this brawl. This tactic, however, quickly descends into a screaming match and the mothers come a-runnin', just in time for the hair-pulling. Cut to Marisa giggling like she's mentally disabled, as Wednesday and Steph's respective chauffeurs go into Mama Bear Mode. All ends well when someone FINALLY has the presence of mind to enquire whether the stock room houses extra copies of the Great American Novel in question, which OF COURSE they do, ma'am, it is TWILIGHT after all and they probably have employees back there copying it by hand like ancient monks because God forbid they run out of it and a pre-pubescent/post-menopausal bloodbath ensues! Sigh.
What about this, you ask, restores a modicum of my faith in humanity?! Relax and I'll tell you. It was the simple fact that two young kids were fighting, not over video games or reality television or some popular boy in class who they will run into in ten years when he serves them a latte at Starbuxxx and think Thank Christ I dodged that particular teen pregnancy, BUT over A BOOK. This makes me so happy that I'm not even much bothered that it was written by asshat Stephenie Meyer. Let me explain. If you are one of those people who "hates to read" or lists Cosmopolitan and OK Magazine under their favorite books on TheFacebook, I judge you. I judge you HARD. In fact, I think you might be retarded. That's right, I said it. I ain't scurred. Get your vain head out of your vapid ass and open a book once in awhile. You might learn something and slowly start to become a mildly interesting person who can occasionally spell words correctly and form coherent sentences. I don't care what you read (although if it's all chick lit, I may judge you just a little), just turn off The Jersey Shore or Keeping Up With the Kardashians and use your brain and your imagination once in a blue moon!!!
Ugh. Ok, Rant Over. Moral of the story: Kids getting excited about reading is kind of AWESOME. Even if they look like Stephanie Tanner from Full House.
Also, those two mini-gladiators inspired my latest literary choice, entitled The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins, which is science fiction and about kids age 12-18 battling to the death in a huge arena in a future society where the whole thing is nationally televised (which is, incidentally, exactly where most kids age 12-18 belong, in my opinion). It's pretty rad and I totally recommend it. Which, incidentally is what I'll be doing here. Talking about whatever I'm reading at any given time as well as whatever other random, oh-so-validating events occur in my terribly exciting everyday life. And probably being as sarcastic and obnoxious about it as I can manage. So, until next time...